Minutes of informal Zoom meeting held Friday 19th February, 2021 at 7.00 pm.

The meeting was already in full flight at 7.00 pm – the W. Master was in attendance together with the Senior Warden W. Bro. Mike Thomas who made everybody welcome. W. Bro. Tony H. was asked if he would record the evenings business.


The members who logged on were:  Mike Thomas – Dave Cox – Richard Andrews –  Roy Williams -Vince Bennett – Harold Jones – Roland Hughes – Archie Reynolds – Tony Fraser – Andy Davy – John Hatherley – Andrew Spurway – Dave Pearce – Glyn Morgan –  Alan Price & Tony Hilliard.   (If I have missed anyone please let me know) – Apologies from: Ian Harding & Roger Andrews.   Somebody asked Vince, If as the Mandated Officer, he had enjoyed his visit to the ‘Three Pillars Lodge’ when we last met – Vince thanked those present and stated all was well and it was a good experience.  


After the usual greetings and abuse which friends exchange when reunited, and on this occasion poor ‘Trapper’ had more than his fair share, the Worshipful Master W.Bro. Richard reported on the new ‘addition’ to his family who is growing well, and his father who sends best wishes. Those present suitably responded with an assorted array of comments and friendly abuse.  He also reported on members we have not seen for a while, namely David Drew who is studying for a  degree, Dorian Payne who now has a second child and Alin Beynon who is traveling both nationally and internationally recruiting for the medical profession – Richard after an ‘Alarm’ put on his ‘New Parent’ regalia and departed the meeting about 7.20 pm.


  1. Bro. Glyn Morgan, the Almoner,  gave a brief report on absent members particularly W. Bro. Rees who seemed a little frail at this time – he said he has spoken to both Rees and his daughter – the cremation of Doreen his wife is at the Barry  Crematorium on the 3rd March at 1.00 pm and he suggested, that as only 30 people are able to attend the service, if anyone would like to support Rees they meet in the car park wearing white shirts and the Provincial tie.


Vince enquired after our progress towards the silver award – Harold, the Charity Steward, informed the meeting that he has now received 23 positive responses from brethren in support of the Silver award and is anticipating further participation. Our donations to ‘Charity in general’ was discussed – Royden confirmed that the donation of £800.00 from the Lodge Relief Chest to the ‘21 Festival’ has now been finalised and we have sent £60.00 to the AEPWCourt towards the ‘Summer Fare’ which has been gratefully acknowledged by W. Bro. Phillip Aubrey.


  1. Bro. Mike, the Senior Warden, took control  (if you can call it that) of the meeting and brought news of interest for those who like to perambulate  – the ‘Lord Swansea Temple’ in Cardiff has been redecorated and is now well worth a visit – the Cardiff Trust has reduced the fees for 2021 – he thanked the Treasurer for his work as the ‘Home Charities’ rep. namely his response to the AEPWCourt ‘Summer Fayre’ – he also reported that we can only ‘Socialise’ during a ‘Zoom meeting’ we cannot practise the Ritual or conduct any official business during a Zoom meeting for whatever reason.


The meeting as a result of a question from W. Bro. Vincent, in his capacity of as the Grand Officer of the Llantwit Lodge, started to discuss ‘what should we do and are we prepared’ for when we meet again in the future. He also asked if those present were aware of the notice given in the ‘First Rising’, that in view of the Covid 19 crisis a Master can now occupy the chair for a third year – W. Bro. Mike said that he had spoken with Bro. Andrew Spurway because he had heard that Andrew would like to carry on in Office and become the new Master for the next term – John Hatherley asked Andrew if he was now fit and well, and if he would be able to carry out the duties of an Installed Master.  Andrew replied he was and he was looking forward to the future.   



The problem of who would be under taking the Installation ceremony if Richard did not want to, or was unable to, was then discussed, and what course of action should be taken – W. Bro. Vincent reminded Mike that as the Senior Warden one of his responsibilities was to cover the Master.  Mike said he would contact Richard and find out what he would like to do.  He then asked if anyone was interested in taking on the role of the ‘Installing Master’ if Richard declined.   Tony H. said to give Andrew a helping hand, should we think about the Officers & Wardens for the following year – had anyone heard from the Junior Warden W. Bro. Bob Baron – Mike and those present seemed to think all the offices were covered and it should not pose a problem. 


Those present then started talking about the general wellbeing of the Lodge & it’s membership due to the ‘lock down’ – with no physical or social contact for nearly a year now, what should we do when we meet again and what problems may occur – Mike said that depending on what course of action the Town Council  adopt, if and when they let us return, we must be prepared for additional expenses and also dining may be a problem. Archie reminded the meeting that the Web site was go, all the minutes were recorded and access to same was via:   On the web type in:  

lodge9241.blog – click on Llantwit Major Lodge & Chapter – click on the 3 horizontal bars top right – click on Members – enter:

your email address in the user box followed by the password select from the menu.



 At the closing W. Bro. Mike again enquired of the brethren if they were pleased with the evenings proceedings, if they had anything to add and were they in favour of meeting in March – the response was varied but in favour.                      


Tony H. departed and as far as he knows the meeting closed sometime after 8.15 pm. when he left to talk with his grand children.




Senior Warden W. Bro. M. Thomas.